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The correct way to start an Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

The EMA is a very handy tool. It lets us calculate an average over recent data. But, unlike a Simple Moving Average, we don't have to keep a window of samples around—we can update an EMA "online," one sample at a time.

But the perennial question is: how do you start an EMA?

First, here are a couple of wrong ways.

Continue reading "The correct way to start an Exponential Moving Average (EMA)"

Fixing dispatch

A fun thing about refactoring code is that after one refactor is finished, the next candidate is easier to see.

In An abstraction gone wrong, we refactored the state variable of a simple tokenizer from an integer into an object. Now that that's done, another problem is staring at us in the face. It's in this code:

if (state == INITIAL) {
    // ...
} else if (state == IN_NUMBER) {
    // ...
} else if (state == IN_STRING) {
    // ...
} else if (state == AFTER_STRING) {
    // ...
} else if (state == ESCAPING) {
    // ...
Continue reading "Fixing dispatch"